Lecture - 8 ( problems on degrees of freedom)

PROBLEM 1 - For the mechanism shown in figure, calculate it's degrees of freedom (F)

number of links (L) = 8
Number of binary joints (J) = 10
Number of higher pair (H) = 0
Number of those motions which are not the part of mechanism (N) = 0
KUTZBACH equation: F=3(L-1) - 2(J) - H - N
F = 3(8-1) - 2(10) - 0 - 0 = 1
F = 1 

PROBLEM 2 - Calculate degrees of freedom for given mechanism

L = 4 ; J = 3 ; H = 1 ; N = 1
F = 3(L-1) - 2J - H - N = 3(4-1) -2(3) -1 -1 = 1
F = 1  

PROBLEM 3 - Calculate degrees of freedom for given mechanism. 


L = 5 ; H = 1 ; J = 5 ; N = 0
F = 3(5-1) -2(5) - 1 - 0 = 1 
F = 1

PROBLEM 4 - Calculate degrees of freedom for given mechanism

Here one link is spring. Spring is the link of flexible length. Spring can be replaced by 2 links connected with turning pair.

L = 5 ; J = 5 ; H = 1 ; N = 0
F = 3(5-1) -2(5) - 1 = 1 
F = 1


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